Ready to parent your child in alignment with your cycle?

The ultimate
30 days of parenting
through your cycle
Normally $27 but special launch price of $7!

In this guide you'll learn:
Day-by-day activities to do with your child
You've probably been told to play with your kid to make them smarter - well that isn't taking into account what YOU feel like doing. You need a day by day plan of things to do together that feels good for you too.
The things your body is aligned to do
When you understand the underlying needs of your body (read hormonal) you will be able to match that with the needs of your child/ren
Ways to make each cycle phase easier
Knowing how to prep for the upcoming phase allows you to maximise your energy and time for the BEST productivity and ease (because who doesn't need more of that in life...?)

You + 30 days of parenting guide = maximum connection!
Maybe you've thought that you have to parent with the same energy, same games and same activities all the time?
Or maybe it is all about doing your best all the time (HINT...being your BEST self is recipe for burnout)
Either way, sooner or later you will get bored or burned out. What you need is to listen to your body and her cycle. This will give you the tools to understand yourself so you can show up as your WHOLE self for your children.
Surrender to your body and connect with your kids all cycle long
- Instead of being taken by surprise, talk to your kids about your cycle, your needs and your energy
- Tune in to your cycle and take your kids on a journey with you of discovering what it means to be a woman
- Enjoy knowing your body's needs and how to best parent in each phase
- Follow the easy prompts to parent with more connection and ease all cycle long
A Note From Monique your cycle coach...
I've been studying and practicing cycles for years (even when I had no cycle due to pregnancy) and I've discovered the energy behind each week of our cycle - AND how we can use that to our advantage when parenting our children.
There are times when we will want to play and be silly with them, and times when we need to have personal space boundaries around us (to protect us and them).
Communicating this to our children can be the trick though - so I've also given you ways (and when) to do that in this guide too.
I'm excited to share this with you so you can be a cyclical mum too!
Download this now and tell me how you get on!