Ready to feed your body what she craves?

The ultimate
30 days of eating for your cycle

In this guide you'll learn:
Day-by-day meal ideas
AS a busy Mum, you probably dont have time for elaborate, complicated meals, you just want to know the best food and how to chuck it in to your weeknight meals
The foods your body wants in each phase of your cycle
When you understand the underlying needs of your body (read hormonal) you will be able to give her exactly what she needs (which is often what you are craving)
Ways to make each cycle phase easier
Knowing how to prep for the upcoming phase allows you to maximise your energy and time for the BEST productivity and ease (because who doesn't need more of that in life...?)

You + 30 days of eating guide = maximum cycle health!
Maybe you've thought that your body wants the same food all the time - and have forced yourself to eat salad when its the last thing you feel like
Or maybe it is all about calories for you, and you have been taught to count what you eat (HINT its not about calories...)
Either way, your bodies needs change on a regular basis - and when you start to give her what she needs on a hormonal level you'll be away and laughing!
Surrender to your body and feel more prepared all cycle long
- Instead of being taken by surprise, be in sync and feed your body what it needs so you can use your weekly fluctuations to your advantage
- Tune in to your cycle and take care of your body mind and energy through the different phases
- Enjoy knowing your body's needs and how to fulfil them in
- Follow the easy prompts to incorporate hormone supporting foods
A Note From Monique your cycle coach...
I've been studying and practicing cycles for years (even when I had no cycle due to pregnancy) and I've discovered the foods that support different phases in your cycle.
There are times when we need more calories (in the form of carbohydrates) and a time when intermittent fasting feels good for us
If you were raised to eat what your body craved, then you would naturally be eating like this - the reality is that we were not raised in a culture that encouraged this.
I'm excited to share this with you so you can feel aligned with your body all cycle long
Download this now and tell me how you get on!